So yesterday, Kelsey Fireheart discovered the Fire Beetle combination. Here is a hint. First Pet: Meow. Second Pet: Beetle sounds. You guessed it, it is Fire Cat and Storm/Rain Beetle (just as a suspected.) Now, it is very rare to get a Fire Beetle from a Fire Cat and Storm/Rain Beetle. Why? You know how the Pet Egg and Nightmare were very hard to get hybrids? It is the same thing. If you want to mix with a Fire Beetle, here is a link
to a page where someone is willing to hatch with anyone.
Deathshard from Wizard101 Central has started a project called " Secret Hybrid Project." Their goal in short is to discover hybrids we have not yet discovered. Here is a link to it.
Have some of you noticed, I have over 100 views!!! Yes I know, you might say "Why are you so happy, it is only 100 views." Well, behind those tiny numbers, are 100 people! It is a lot to me, so I'm happy! Thanks to everyone who has seen my blog. Thanks!
P.S. Forgot to tell you, but my links aren't working right now. So just copy the URLs and paste them into the browser. Then press enter. You should be taken to the page you want to be at. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.
~Patrick Hawktamer
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